
Current           Doctor of Education in Art and Art Education | Teachers College, Columbia University, NYC, New York, USA. Expected to graduate in Spring, 2028.

2021               Master of Fine Arts in Studio Art | Studio Arts College International (SACI), Florence, Italy.

2018               Bachelor of Fine Arts in Studio Art | Suma Cum Laude, Rowan University, Glassboro, New Jersey, USA.


2025               Received the Myers Media Art Studio Fellowship from Teachers College, Columbia University. The fellowship covers facilitating the Myers Media Art Studio, assisting students and professors in the studio, managing the loaning of equipment, 2d/3d printing, and troubleshooting of printers, and undergoing training in digital technologies.


2024             Research and Teaching Assistant for Dr. Richard Jochum’s Philosophy of Art and Education and New Media New Forms courses at Teachers College, Columbia University. Along with assisting in teaching, I also aided Dr. Jochums’ research by acting as his editor for his article publications.



2017                Received Seward Johnson Travel Scholarship that provided a fully funded trip to study abroad in Florence, Italy, for a semester.


Teaching Experience:

2022–Current Adjunct Art Professor at Rowan University Glassboro, NJ, USA

 Courses taught: Representational Drawing 1

                             Art Appreciation Online

2024               Taught and designed a course entitled, Drawing from Life, at Perkins Center for the Arts, Moorestown, NJ, USA.

Professional Artistic Collaborations / Achievements:

2023 ​Co-performance with artist, Xan Peters, at his solo Exhibition Why Look, Darcy Simpson Gallery, Hudson, NY.

2022               Co-performed with the artist, Xan Peters, in a performance during the exhibition, Forever in Ten Days at Tufts University Art Galleries, Medford Gallery, Boston, MA, USA.

2022               Contributed a musical performance and handwritten letter to be included in a project by artist, Quynh Lam, exhibited at Moggio Tower, Italy.

2021               Collaborator and co-founder of Teleportal, a nomadic gallery concept, and artist-run conceptual space.

2021               Audio project, The Midnight Drive, featured on The Radia Network.

2020               Co-Founder of The Uncanny County Museum, an experimental podcast and collaborative project with co-host and fellow researcher, Xan Peters.

Visiting Artist & Guest Speaker:

2024​ Invited to present an artist talk at the Coalition of Master’s Scholars on Material Culture (CMSMC) 2024 virtual symposium, “What is Material Culture?”

2023               Invited to speak and conduct a workshop for graduate students at Teachers College, Columbia University, New York City, NY, USA, July 24.

2022   Invited to speak at Rowan University’s Art Student Alumni Panel

Solo Exhibitions:

2022                Ephemeral History: When Light Takes Form. Saint Kate AIR Space, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA.

2021                Day-to-Day. Jules Maidoff Gallery, Florence, Italy.

2018                Drifting. Rowan University Student Gallery, Glassboro, New Jersey, USA.


Group Exhibitions:

2024               September Primer, group exhibition at Macy Gallery, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York City, NY, USA.

2024               Homeward, co-curated group exhibition with Teleportal, Tulsa Artists Coalition, Tulsa, OK, USA.

2024​ Dreams of Spring, Group exhibition curated by Double A Gallery, and juried by Ali Norman. Hosted by Art at 400, St. Petersburg, Florida, United States.

2023​ Teleportal: Munich Calling, co-curated group exhibition with Teleportal, DONNER, wie Blitz Fenstergalerie, Munich, Germany.

2023 ​Experimental Film Showcase, 2023, Curated by Daniel Zander, LichtspieltheaterWundervoll, Roctstak, Germany.

2023               Yonder Crush, group exhibition at Satchel Projects, in New York City, USA.

2022               15 IN OUT Festival, Design / Moving Image. Gdansk, Poland.

2022               Teleportal Presents: Movement, co-curated group exhibition with Teleportal Real Tinsel Gallery, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA.

2022               Home, virtual exhibition hosted on art.9, based in Hong Kong.

2022               Envisioning Artistic Inquiries: The Mapping of Arts-based Research, at Herter Art Gallery at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, Springfield, Massachusetts, USA.

2022               Ephemeral Existence, co-curated group exhibition with Teleportal at 526 W 26th Street, Suite 620, NYC 10001. New York City, USA.

2021               In Touch, at the CICA Museum, Gimpo, South Korea.

2021              THE ARTIST RESIDENCY PROJECT (Fall 2021), virtual exhibition hosted by Aerogramme Center for Arts and Culture.

2021               TSA_PDF X SVA: THE ARTIST RESIDENCY PROJECT (Fall 2021), virtual exhibition hosted by Tiger Strikes Asteroid.

2020                Essential Work, group exhibition at ONART Gallery, Florence, Italy.


Residencies & Workshops:

2022               Attended Drawing Blast, an invitation-only course taught by rosenclaire and facilitated by Regan Wheat and Kirsten Stromberg.

2021               Attended specialized class, Art Practice Research: Toolkit for Cultural Producers through the School of Visual Arts, NYC, USA, taught by Dr. Sohee Koo.

2021               Attended the Artist Residency Project, hosted by the School of Visual Arts, NYC, USA.